OBAMA TO UNLEASH FIRESTORM Don't Let This Traitor Get Away With It! DEMAND a Joint Senate-House Select Committee
Brace yourself for an incredible eruption of fiery accusations, charges and counter-charges! And if we can win a Joint Select Committee involving the Senate and a Special Prosecutor, THEN will come the political fallout, as the Obama cover up unravels, and ever more highly damaging facts emerge from the murk of this conspiracy to conceal deliberate, calculated, willful neglect of duty and abandonment of our people in Benghazi… Naturally, Democrats have immediately threatened to boycott the Select Committee, falsely claiming our pursuit of truth and justice is nothing more than an election-year stunt.
I'm sending you this urgent message because the closer the Committee gets to the naked truth about what REALLY happened before, during and after the deadly terrorist attack on our Benghazi "special mission," the louder and more outrageous will be the histrionics from Democrats. We are, indeed, at the front end of witnessing those in Washington who sowed the wind now reaping the whirlwind!
The U.S. Senate absolutely MUST be involved, because the Senate through the impeachment process may be essential to punish wrongdoers! Seeing the "perfect storm" gathering, Senate Republicans are eager to broaden and thus greatly strengthen the Benghazi investigation by including members from the upper chamber. Their call for a bipartisan, bicameral panel similar to those of the 9/11 Commission and the Watergate Committee puts pressure on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who in his usual corrupt, partisan fashion is resisting the idea. Pay no attention to "Dirty Harry!" His squeals of objection only show why a bicameral committee is our best hope to finally unearth the truth of Benghazi, because it would enable investigators to subpoena members of the State Department AND the White House as well as further unearth previously hidden documents. AND then to punish them for their crimes – which to all appearances include TREASON!
Hillary of course said she is satisfied with "what's known" and wondered aloud "why despite all of the hearings, all of the information that's been provided, some choose not to be satisfied …" Click the LINK BELOW to demand Hillary FINALLY not only testify UNDER OATH but that her henchmen and Obama's lackeys be forced to supply missing information. Make sure Hillary Clinton learns precisely what "difference it makes" for her to be fatally derelict in her duty and then lie to cover it up … But don't miss this: If need be, Barack Hussein Obama will settle for having the American people believe the reason why he did nothing to stop the 2012 al Qaeda raid on the Benghazi mission – and why he then covered up his inaction – was because such knowledge would hurt his chances for re-election. WHY settle? A deeper look will show that the attack resulted because the Obama regime was actively in the process of aiding and abetting America's sworn enemy – al Qaeda! There's a word for that: TREASON! American law defines treason as the crime of betraying the United States by giving "aid and comfort" to our enemies either on U.S. or foreign soil. The U.S. Constitution requires the removal of the President, Vice President and all civil officers when impeached and convicted of treason or other acts of sedition that constitute "high crimes and misdemeanors." So if you think Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are frantically denying their mishandling of the massacre of four Americans at Benghazi merely to look "presidential" before voters, think again. They hide the truth to save their lying hides! Obama and Clinton are counting on their worshipping media to make the Benghazi cover up, in truth at least a felony obstruction of justice, look like a forgivable offense to the American people, as they did Bill Clinton's stonewalling of the Monica Lewinski scandal. After all, the press will say, Obama was just trying to keep voters from being distracted from the important focus of jobs and the economy – and of giving the despotic Obama another four years to further entrench his Marxist policies. Media will point out that every president lies about something. A few, such as Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton, have lied to cover up incompetence, misconduct and crimes. Others simply lie about policies to push their agendas. Obama? He lies about ALL of the above! Media doesn't mention that, nearly two years later, we have yet to hear the testimony of the 30 people who escaped the Benghazi facility with their lives, thanks to the sacrificial bravery of former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who gave their lives for their fellow Americans – and whose courage under fire was utterly betrayed by Obama and Clinton. To Obama, the truth of Benghazi MUST be silenced, because this narcissistic tyrant would NEVER care enough about the good of the nation to follow President Nixon's example and resign. There are those who say Obama would rather stage a coup, than be impeached and convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors that would put him in the history books for perpetrating the most outrageous act of betrayal of trust in White House history.
Sadly, America has radically changed for the worse: In 1974, the media covering the Watergate scandal asked "What did President Nixon know and when did he know it? In 2014, despite evidence of supplying aid and comfort to our nation's enemy in the ongoing war on terror, Obama's lapdog media echoes Hillary's arrogantly insensitive comment: "What difference does it make?" If such treachery matters to you, take ACTION! CLICK BELOW so that Obama and Clinton aren't allowed to get away with aiding and abetting al Qaeda … How, you may ask, did Obama and Clinton give "aid and comfort" to America's enemies? With dozens of reports and intelligence tips that weapons were being supplied to al Qaeda-linked operatives through our Benghazi "mission" – that's the question a Joint Senate-House Committee MUST answer! But let me give you a quick preview of this jaw-dropping revelation that only a beefed-up investigation will root out: A thorough investigation will prove that the White House, State Department and the CIA colluded to arm rebels in Libya in order to transfer those arms to warring Islamic extremists in Syria. And make no mistake: prominent among the "rebels" being secretly supplied by Obama's orders were al Qaeda! There are reliable authorities who say the Benghazi attack would never have happened if the U.S. hadn't switched sides in the war on terror and allowed $500 MILLION in weapons to reach al Qaeda. The weapons, they say, were intended for Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi, but instead were knowingly allowed by our Armed Forces to pass through our blockade into the hands of his Islamist opposition in the form of al Qaeda militias throughout that nation. White House and senior Congressional members, authorities say, deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations in order to topple a ruler, Gaddafi, who had been working closely with the West to actively suppress al Qaeda. In doing so, our men and women were ordered to commit what they believed were treasonous actions! So on the 10-year anniversary of its horrific 9-11 attack on America, al Qaeda chose Benghazi to expose Obama's LIE when he declared the villainous organization was defeated. In the aftermath, in order to maintain power, Obama's henchmen launched a blatant cover up of their brazen acts! Farfetched, you say? Not after reading domestic and foreign press reports about the true nature of the "facility" in Benghazi, Libya. Democrat insiders have seen them, of course, and the facts these reports disclose are the fuel for the coming explosion of political fireworks. None other than The New York Times, the arch-liberal bullhorn that daily bolsters its leftie readers with assaults against conservatives, long ago reported weapons were being shipped through Benghazi, under U.S. direction, to "Syrian rebels," which happen to be al Qaeda affiliates! Obama himself must be asked: Why did the United States switch sides in the war on terror to knowingly provide weapons to al Qaeda? Why did the Obama administration secretly authorize the diversion of Libyan arms shipments to al Qaeda-linked militants? It is all but certain, the fuel behind the coming firestorm is a very real fear that the perfidy of Barack Obama and his heir-apparent Hillary Clinton will be exposed for traitorously aiding and abetting America's enemies with weapons used to kill Americans – the Benghazi Four on 9/11/12 and our troops in the present and future. Think of it: That wouldn't just mean the end of the Obama faction, it would forever brand the Democrats as truly the "party of treason!" It would hang the albatross of betrayal around the neck of every Democrat candidate.
That's why Democrats will fight dirtier than ever before. No tactic will be too low for them to stoop. Everything is at steak – the Presidency, the U.S. Senate, even the party's viability at the polls at all levels of government! People have been killed for a lot less. Don't let this heinous cover up succeed! Demand that Congress bring all of its constitutional powers to bear on the Obama regime! Demand filibusters, if need be, for the right membership on the Joint Senate-House Committee! Demand subpoenas for the right information! Demand justice for treasonously aiding and abetting al Qaida! Demand punishment that fits the crime – IMPEACHMENT! CLICK below to make it happen …
Blast fax the House AND the Senate, regardless of their party affiliation! Tell them to root out this historic treason through a serious, uncorrupted special joint investigative committee now! Warn Democrat Senators that their party's future depends on how fairly the truth is unearthed, reported to American citizens and remanded to our justice system for proper disposition. Make SURE they know it's long been obvious to you that the Obama regime is covering up the truth of Benghazi. Remind them there is now smoking-gun PROOF of an elaborate cover up! Â That the question now is: WHY all the LIES?
EVIDENCE IS OVERWHELMING that help was readily available that might well have saved all American lives in the Benghazi mission. But this help was told TWO TIMES to stand down – and we believe facts have yet to come out that a THIRD stand-down order was issued! What's more, reports continue to swirl that a four-star general lost his job for moving to defy the stand down directives, and trying to launch immediate support after the attacks first started! It's long past time for truth and accountability …
The "smoking gun" email – sent by White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes to Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice to give her talking points for her many TV appearances – makes it clear that THESE were a second secret set of points in addition to those from the CIA, the set we've known about. As recently learned, there was another, more extensive, more political and more explosive document that was also in the works on Sept. 14, 2012. That secret memo directed Rice to make the false claims. The CIA talking points, you see, never even mentioned the Internet video, and former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell confessed to being surprised when he saw how Rice placed the blame. Rhodes' email leaves no doubt: The White House knew that Rice's talking points lacked even a shred of truth BEFORE she went on TV. Yet that didn't stop the Obama White House from spreading the fake propaganda. The second set of talking points were LIES, pure political spin created by the White House in order to maintain the campaign fiction that al Qaeda was weakened and on the run after the assassination of Osama bin Laden. And, as you now know, this isn't the only reason why Barack Hussein Obama had his people lie about the terrorist attack on Benghazi. The real reason – TREASON! – is what's driving this cover up at any cost! So I am calling on YOU, as a loyal patriot, to stand with us to demand a REAL investigation, with a REAL, BICAMERAL SELECT COMMITTEE! Because the reality of the cover up is that nothing REAL is going to happen unless YOU help Life & Liberty PAC KEEP THE PRESSURE ON …
Remember when Hillary's 2008 campaign took the inexperienced Obama to task by asking "At 3 a.m. who do you want answering the phone?" As al Qaeda terrorists attacked our Benghazi mission, our nation tragically found out! Neither Obama nor Clinton did one thing to save Americans in peril! And it wasn't just to look good in the eyes of the voting public. It was to cover up TREASON for having collaborated with America's Islamist enemies! And the guilt isn't only on the blood-stained hands of Democrats. Republicans have been shockingly slow and ineffectual in getting at the truth. House Speaker Boehner DID NOT want to empanel a Select Committee to investigate and bring justice for Benghazi. His hand was FORCED by the explosive disclosures in the "smoking gun" email that directly implicates the White House covering up high crimes. Over 18 months of revelations, Republicans have done a terrible job in building the case. Questioning was disjointed, disorganized and uncoordinated across disparate committees. The importance of this national security and constitutional crisis should have caused Republicans to unite and demand answers. Had a Special Select Committee been formed much earlier, the way it was done in Watergate, we would by now have had answers! But now, so much misinformation has been spun and so much time has passed that only the most serious and relentless effort can repair the damage … What's more, we MUST NOT be satisfied because Speaker Boehner finally has formed a committee in the House! That will NOT BE GOOD ENOUGH to withstand the maelstrom. Before it convenes, Life & Liberty PAC needs YOU to join with us in a clarion call for a Joint Senate-House Select Committee with a Special Prosecutor in order to have the legal ability to REALLY dig out the truth with subpoenas and threaten consequences for further obstruction of justice. Remember: Even that objective is just the start. We then need to help Committee members find the courage to withstand the coming firestorm. We must make sure they mete out impartial justice no matter how high the wrongdoing goes. We MUST NOT stand by and allow this effort to be high jacked – covered up with a fresh coat of whitewash and hidden in Obama's already packed closet of scandals! The Life & Liberty PAC needs your continued help so that the American people look past the distractions and dodges, see through posturing, false accusations and lies that WILL come, and stay focused on discovering what really happened at Benghazi.
Without immediate action, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and everyone else with blood on their hands may well STILL get away with having callously abandoned four Americans to be murdered by al Qaeda terrorists – jihadi militants secretly supplied by the Obama administration whose connection with him AT ALL COST Obama wanted COVERED UP!