A Republican Congress can only capitulate to Obama on the strength of DEMOCRAT votes, so the already doomed RINO Speaker Boehner is "falling on his sword" and RESIGNING from Congress to pay the price for this betrayal. Sen. Ted Cruz and some stalwarts ARE STILL RESISTING IN THE LONG WAR FOR LIFE – AND THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT! HELP US STAND FOR LIFE! We may well get outflanked by BETRAYAL in the CR fight this week – but REMEMBER – this is just the tee-up for December's Omnibus bill AND a battle royal that looms over next fiscal year's budget! The TRAITOR Senate of Mitch McConnell rejected a doomed-to-fail Planned Parenthood defunding bill and hopes to swiftly proceed TODAY with a procedural vote that will put a "clean" short-term Continuing Resolution funding bill on Obama's desk – JUST LIKE REID AND OBAMA HAVE DEMANDED ALL ALONG! MAKE YOUR OUTRAGE AND REJECTION HEARD! Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says he will use "every procedural means possible to stop sending taxpayer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood."
There is NO REASON besides disgusting politics to keep channeling your taxpayer dollars to the Planned Parenthood charnel houses where babies are murdered, mutilated and sold in pieces to the highest bidder. All lawmakers have to do is simply REDIRECT THE FUNDING to more than 13,000 qualified "health centers" not dripping with the blood of innocents. This vote could happen ANY MINUTE – but Cruz can't HOLD THE LINE and WIN even a principled, shaming DELAY of RINO complicity without YOUR PETITIONS backing him up in home district AND Capitol Hill offices! BLAST THE SENATE AND HOUSE – SHOUT YOUR REJECTION OF THIS SELL OUT! DEMAND NO FUNDING FOR THE DEATH MERCHANTS OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD! The pathetic Planned Parenthood defunding and later-term abortion ban "fight" last week was ALL SHOW and was PROMPTLY abandoned by Mitch McConnell after Democrats predictably BLOCKED the bills… He hopes you'll know he "tried." Except when it matters the most – defunding Planned Parenthood in the Continuing Resolution fight, the only way it could get past Obama – Mitch McConnell has pre-emptively COLLAPSED AND CAPITULATED, AGAIN! Only YOU can SHAME and possibly STOP the Vichy Republican surrender and STOP PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S MURDER FOR PROFIT before Obama gets his blood money in the Continuing Resolution. TODAY, WASHINGTON MUST HEAR YOUR OUTRAGE AND FEEL THE HEAT ON CAPITOL HILL AND IN HOME DISTRICT OFFICES ACROSS AMERICA! The real fight Congress SHOULD wage is to use the Continuing Resolution leverage to FORCE OBAMA to choose to shut down "non-essential" government or to shut down "non-essential" funding for BABY KILLERS! We need YOUR HELP to REJECT McConnell's SURRENDER! DO NOT SETTLE AGAIN for meaningless fake fighting for the cameras – DEMAND DEFUNDING IN THE CR! THIS VOTE WILL HAPPEN TODAY – BLASTFAX ALL 100 SENATORS NOW! The battle to defend LIFE is fully engaged in Congress starting TODAY, and we need YOUR HELP. Planned Parenthood has AFFIRMED it MANIPULATES ABORTION PROCEDURES and "fetal tissue donation" practices by illegally MANIPULATING THE RULES, reports the Washington Times. BUT political cowards, Congressional "leaders" John Boehner and Mitch McConnell HAVE BETRAYED US, wanting only to "fake fight" against Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion forces by holding show votes in Congress to "support" life – but change NOTHING! REFUSE to fall for their complicit lies! DEMAND that Planned Parenthood butchery be DEFUNDED NOW! DEBATE IN CONGRESS IS RAGING. LAWMAKERS NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU! In finally attempting to publicly strike back against its charnel house practices being revealed in shocking video-based exposé, the besieged abortion behemoth – apparently inadvertently – has confessed more than it intended to divulge… DO NOT WAIT for the cover up to commence! NOW it the time to BLAST Congress, DEMANDING THEY COMMIT TO DEFUND AND INDICT PLANNED PARENTHOOD! In an 11-page letter to Congress, PP president Cecile Richards admitted America's #1 abortion provider accepts a range of payments "per tissue specimen" from abortions but maintains that these were cost reimbursements, as allowed by federal law. BUT in falsely arguing PP's case that these are just "reimbursements" essentially for shipping and handling (which costs are IN FACT absorbed by the tissue-procurement companies), Richards ALSO admitted ABORTION PROCEDURE 'ADJUSTMENTS OCCUR'… Richards wrote: "adjustments that facilitate fetal tissue donations rarely occur at our few clinics that offer women this service." "Rarely occur" MEANS illegal "adjustments" – changes in abortion procedures to OPTIMIZE baby specimen procurement – DO OCCUR! While we DEMAND Congress ACT to DEFUND and INDICT, only two of Planned Parenthood's 59 affiliates apparently remain involved in "fetal tissue procurement" in the wake of YOUR PUBLIC OUTRAGE that has followed the Center for Medical Progress' investigation. CMP has revealed PP illegally switches abortion procedures to obtain the best medical "specimens," illegally profiting from selling aborted baby parts, and sometimes doing so WITHOUT PATIENT CONSENT.
They point-blank are refusing to make the defunding of Planned Parenthood part of Congress' impending "must pass" Continuing Resolution funding fight! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Politico reports, "Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and his team would prefer to build bipartisan opposition to funding the group through a series of high-profile Congressional investigations." There will NEVER be "bipartisan" opposition to funding abortion! While McConnell and Boehner dither and hope YOU get distracted by the upcoming elections, UNBORN BABIES ARE BEING MURDERED – AND SOLD IN PARTS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. DON'T LET GOP 'LEADERS' SURRENDER THE HIGH GROUND OF THIS FIGHT, AND ALLOW NEEDLESS LIVES TO BE LOST! Please, help turn up the pressure by blasting YOUR petitions into home district AND Capitol Hill offices – MAKE SURE WASHINGTON KNOWS YOU DEMAND ACTION NOW. MAKE SURE CONGRESS KNOWS IF THEY FAIL TO END PP's CARNAGE WITH DEFUNDING AND INDICTMENTS THEY FACE VOTER REVOLT AND A CITIZEN-LED GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN IN THE WEEKS AHEAD! Mitch McConnell and the Republican Establishment are playing games with human lives, and they WILL wind up with a government shut down by pro-lifers who REFUSE TO BE COMPLICIT in child murder and trafficking in aborted baby remains. Planned Parenthood has now been exposed in a series of stomach-churning undercover videos featuring PP "medical directors" wheeling and dealing in aborted baby body parts and late-term abortions seeking “intact†babies for "harvesting." One video includes a graphic lab tour showing PP's ghoulish mauling of fetuses with tweezers for "parts" that is profoundly shocking – and supports other videos that display other high profile PP medical directors coldly bargaining over details of "providing intact tissue" for "compensation." In one release, "doctor" Savita Ginde, discusses criminally harvesting "intact" organs from her clinic's victims BORN BEFORE an abortion can be performed, just as in earlier videos, the "doctors" strategize illegally changing abortion procedures to maximize procurement of baby organs harvested for "research"; they illegally negotiate PRICES for these body parts which can only lawfully be DONATED with reimbursement for "processing and transfer"; and they openly haggle over how to MAXIMIZE PROFIT. NONE of which even touches on how middlemen biological tissue "procurement" companies then charge medical and Big Pharma researchers enormous fees in the thousands of dollars for EACH of these "donated" human specimens! Disgusting. Disturbing. Evil. CRIMINAL. And YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS ARE SUBSIDIZING IT. WE MUST DEMAND REAL CHANGE BY CONGRESS – DEMAND AN END TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD FUNDS! Undercover journalists with the Center for Medical Progress have released these off-the-grid videos in a recent news-busting series, showing Planned Parenthood Vice President of the Rocky Mountains and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing how babies that are "delivered before procedure," aka born – very likely born alive – are harvested by her facility for "intact" organs. "Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure then we are intact," Ginde is shown saying. The video also shows the abortionists gleefully announcing "another boy!" has been differentiated from the human remains of abortion procedures being picked apart in the lab dish, and celebrating intact, marketable baby body parts as "five stars!" FINALLY, Washington is hearing America's CRIES of HORROR and DISGUSTED OUTRAGE over Planned Parenthood's mayhem against babies and their mothers! For too long, too many in the governing class have been content to EXPLOIT the pro-life issue but do NOTHING to investigate or indict Planned Parenthood's evil actions, much less STOP hundreds of millions of America's taxpayer dollars from paying for PP's continued carnage against the innocent unborn! Congressional action CANNOT wait – but DEFUNDING and INDICTMENTS will never happen unless YOU demand them! DEMAND that Congress act TODAY and REFUSE to accept ANY MORE of their mealy-mouthed excuses for delay! AND blast State lawmakers and DEMAND they enact Personhood protections to END the carnage!
Of course, the pro-abortion industry AND the Obama Left is STRIKING BACK! Indeed, the Department of Justice has opened up an investigation NOT of Planned Parenthood to see if federal laws have been broken, but of the group bringing PP's barbarism to light! The videos covertly taped by Center for Medical Progress investigators destroys PP's defense. In one, Vice President and Medical Director Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) Dr. Savita Sinde tells the undercover filmmaker (posing as a buyer from a human biologics firm) WHILE LOOKING OVER AN ABORTED BABY how she is interested in maximizing Planned Parenthood's profit with terms set on a price per part basis. "I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it," Dr. Sinde says of the aborted baby. When the investigator identifies several fetal parts and says Planned Parenthood would net between $200 to $300 in cash, a medical assistant responds, "Five stars." Also featured in two videos is Holly O'Donnell, a phlebotomist who thought her StemExpress, LLC, work for Planned Parenthood was to be drawing blood; turns out it was sifting through aborted baby body parts. She says the StemExpress owners, "weren't looking for any compassionate individual at all. They were just looking for someone who could get as much money, as many samples" as possible from aborted fetal remains. "They wanted someone who could get the numbers up." "For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage," she says of Planned Parenthood. "The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated." "If you can somehow procure a brain or a heart, you're going to get more money," O'Donnell explained. PLANNED PARENTHOOD IS OUT OF EXCUSES – AND SO ARE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWMAKERS ! "One fourth of the more than one million abortions last year were administered by Planned Parenthood – America's largest abortion provider – and taxpayers unwittingly helped foot the bill," Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) reminded America on Jan. 22, 2013, the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. GOD FORGIVE US – WE STILL ARE. From these videos, we have learned that for Planned Parenthood, "17 weekers" – even older and more developed than the baby boy in the lab dish they crow over as a productive and lucrative sample – so far from being "tissue" or a "blob of cells" are ideal victims. And even after these videos, the ObamaCare-funded murder mills REMAIN open for business and running aided by YOUR taxpayer dollars – THIS MUST STOP! While Congress' recesses and plays hanky panky in Martha's Vineyard, helpless babies destined for abortions under a banner of "women's reproductive rights" and "women's health" will be RIPPED APART and SOLD IN PIECES TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER.
We need to take life-saving action now. Please, join the fight to shut down Planned Parenthood with your petitions! DEMAND Congressional support to DEFUND AT ONCE and CRIMINALLY INDICT PLANNED PARENTHOOD FOR THE KILLING OF BABIES BORN ALIVE AND TRAFFICKING THEIR HUMAN REMAINS.
P.S. Please, help us shut down Planned Parenthood stripping America's #1 abortion provider of the $528 MILLION in your taxpayer dollars it rakes in each year to subsidize its illegal and evil butchering of babies. With your generous support – whether $15, $150 or $1500 or somewhere in between – Life and Liberty PAC can help light the grassroots on fire and force Congress and our States into action that protects unborn life. Whatever you can afford, every PRO-LIFE dollar counts.